In Color A, cast on 100 stitches, divided onto 3 needles as 32-32-36.
Rows 1 & 2: in Color A, Knit across
Row 3: in Color B, s2, (k1, s 3) across to last two. k1, s1.
Rows 4 & 5: in Color B, (s1, k3) across
Rows 6 & 7: in Color A, Knit across
Row 8: in Color B, (k1, s3) across
Rows 9 & 10: k2, (s1, k3) across to last two. s1, k1.
Repeat rows 1-10 until piece reaches 6" in length, then continue with rows 11-
Row 11: in Color A (k3, k2tog, k1, sso. k across to last 5 stitches on needle. k2tog, k1, sso. k 2.) Repeat on each needle.
Row 12: in Color A (k2. k2tog, k1, sso. k across to last 4 stitches on needle. k2tog, k1, sso. k1.) Repeat on each needle.
Row 13: in Color B, s2, (k1, s 3) across to last two. k1, s1.
Row 14 & 15: in Color B, (s1, k3) across
Row 16: in Color A (k1, k2tog, k1, sso. k across to last 7 stitches on needle. k2tog, k1, sso. k4.) Repeat on each needle.
Row 17: in Color A (k2tog, k1, sso. k across to last 6 stitches on needle. k2tog, k1, sso. k3.) Repeat on each needle.
Row 18: in Color B, (k1, s3) across
Rows 19 & 20: k2, (s1, k3) across to last two. s1, k1.
Repeat Rows 11-20 until 28 stitches remain, on the three needles as 8-8-12. Bind off and Color B.
Row 21: in Color A, knit all.
Row 22: in Color A, k2tog across.
Cut your Color A yarn loose from the skein, and using a yarn needle or a crochet hook, run it through the remaining stitches. Pull stitches closed and tie off. Weave in ends.